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Distance: 5,6 km
Departure: MARGUERON
Nature (fauna, flora)
Panels: Green


Strolling along Duration: 2h Difficulty : Average

Margueron is a town where the rural footprint remains very much alive. Cultures and woods dominate the landscape and the vineyard finds a special place here. The woods are privileged passages for recharging your batteries, observing the part of nature that still remains, and getting away from everyday life. The woods of Margueron still bear witness to an important activity. Along the way, you will undoubtedly come across a palombière, a convivial place for many hunters. The practice of hunting and hiking are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, it is the same respect for places that dominates ...
The topo-guide is available at the Tourist Office.

Update date: 2024-11-12 20:33:04

Points of interest


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Margueron is a town where the rural footprint remains very much alive. Cultures and woods dominate the landscape and the vineyard finds a special place here. The woods are privileged passages for recharging your batteries, observing the part of nature that still remains, and getting away from everyday life. The woods of Margueron still bear witness to an important activity. Along the way, you will undoubtedly come across a palombière, a convivial place for many hunters. The practice of hunting and hiking are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, it is the same respect for places that dominates ...
The topo-guide is available at the Tourist Office.

Town Hall parking lot

In the parking lot in front of the Town Hall. Take to the right of these buildings and go down through the park along the school football field.


At the bottom, on the small road, turn right towards the church. This church is typical of rural churches in the region with its bell tower.

Departmental road D708

At the D708 departmental road cross then turn left. Follow the road for about 300 meters, staying on the side and avoiding walking on the road as much as possible. Turn right into the "tour" of vines then take the path on your right between the vines.

At the edge of the woods

At the end, turn left as indicated by the arrow holder. At the edge of the woods you will come across a junction of two paths. Be careful to take the one on the left as indicated by the tag.

In the woods and the vineyards

Continue through the woods and vineyards to the departmental road 708 which you will cross. You then take the small road slightly on your right; it very quickly turns into a dirt road that crosses woods. In these woods, you come across a branch of two paths. Do not take the one on the left which leads to a palombière but stay on the one on the right. During the hunting season, it is advisable when passing next to a wood-pigeon stand to point out to potential hunters. Cohabitation between walkers and hunters is part of rural life. It is important that everyone can respect each other without being embarrassed.

Out of the woods

On leaving the woods, immediately take the path on your left which runs between the vines and the woods. Arrived in the woods, continue straight. You then go through the fields to the D708bis which you cross.

Direction les Ferchaux and Mondins

Then take the path that goes through a field. Continue straight on at the first crossroads, then do the same at the second, direction les Ferchaux and les Mondins.

Before the small bridge

Just before the small bridge, take the rural road on your left. cross the passage busé and turn immediately on your left. Then walk along the ditch without ever crossing it, staying on the path that winds through the vines. Arrived almost at the end, this path forms a right angle on the right and goes up towards a road.

Up the path

At the top of the path, turn left on the road. Continue until the junction with the D708. Cross and take the path that joins the town hall.