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Distance: 6,3 km
Nature (fauna, flora)
Panels: Green


Strolling along Duration: 2h Difficulty : Average

The circuit between woods and vines leads you in a green setting where you discover the small heritage such as the wash house and the renovated fountain. Rising on the edge of a plateau overlooking the Dordogne valley, the church was rebuilt in 1866 on a former Templar commandery. It is remarkable for its sobriety, having neither bay nor transept. Another curiosity to discover, the abalone planted in 1848, symbolizing the freedom conquered after the Revolution, in perfect health. It still resists the disease that has struck other trees of its species.

Update date: 2024-11-12 21:16:34

Points of interest

Tree of Liberty.

Moustelat mill.

Your itinerary


The circuit between woods and vines leads you in a green setting where you discover the small heritage such as the wash house and the renovated fountain. Rising on the edge of a plateau overlooking the Dordogne valley, the church was rebuilt in 1866 on a former Templar commandery. It is remarkable for its sobriety, having neither bay nor transept. Another curiosity to discover, the abalone planted in 1848, symbolizing the freedom conquered after the Revolution, in perfect health. It still resists the disease that has struck other trees of its species.

Departure from the Town Hall parking lot.

The departure is from the town hall of Saint-Avit-de-Soulège at a place called "J'y voir clair". Straight through the vines for 280m.

Place called "Rauly".

At the place called "Rauly" at the beacon, go straight on for 175m. You arrive at the tree of liberty which was planted in 18418 on the place du 08 Mai. At the beacon straight ahead, you reach the place called "Gros oeil" and continue straight on for 235m then follow a descent from which you can contemplate a superb panorama and always straight ahead.

On the left at the place called "Gibeau".

Turn left at a place called "Gibeau", then continue straight ahead in the Soulège valley on a tarmac path. You are in the woods. After 100m, straight on where you take a dirt road along a house.

By following the Soulège.

After 220 m, turn right at the beacon, following the Soulège stream. We are between woods and vines, turn right after 50m at the beacon, still following the soulège, we pass a grave.

Between the tomb and Soulège.

After 110m, turn right at the beacon between the tomb and the Soulège stream then continue straight ahead along the Soulège and the vines on the other side.

In the undergrowth.

At the beacon, turn right entering the undergrowth: you can contemplate the stream "La Soulège". Then after 150m, we take the original dirt road. We enter the Moulin de Moustelat estate. Turn on your right while still skirting the Soulège. After covering 230m, at the beacon continue straight through the undergrowth. Then 150m further, we pass in front of a small bridge which spans the soulège and allows to reach the other side in the town of Pessac-sur-Dordogne, the Moustelat water mill dating from the 150th century. You continue straight ahead, still skirting the Soulège for XNUMXm.

Place called "Pierrousselle"

At the beacon, continue straight on. Then do the same at the second marker, staying on the path to your left as you go up. Then you get back to a path which passes through the woods and you continue straight ahead. After having covered 370m, you arrive at a crossroads where you go straight ahead. Then you follow a climb for 280m. After the climb, we are at a place called "Pierrousselle" and at the beacon we continue straight. We are on the border between the communes of Saint-Avit-de-Soulège and Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong in the vineyards. After 100m, we regain a tarmac path and go straight ahead.

Place called "Dignac"

At the beacon, straight on for 170m on a grassy path leaving the tarmac road. At the second beacon, turn left and take the tarmac road and you re-enter Saint-Avit-de-Soulège and leave the town of Saint-Quentin-de-Caplong. After 140m, you arrive at a place called "Dignac" from where you can enjoy a superb panorama. At the beacons, continue straight for 240m. Then after the small cemetery, turn right at a place called "Gas".

Place called "Vircoulon".

You are at a place called "Gas". Then after 200m, you turn left at a place called "Vircoulon" and straight ahead after 200m again at the beacon to follow a tarmac road to the right. After having covered 380m, at the beacon turn left at a place called "Migouterie".


After 60m, turn left at the beacon then straight ahead. Then 310m further on, at the beacon, leave the asphalt road and take the grassy path on the right. After 70m, at the beacon go straight ahead: you are at a place called "I see clearly". Then 110m further on, turn right then straight ahead to your starting point, the Town Hall car park.