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Do you have a project to create, develop or promote your wine tourism activity?
Are you considering setting up a space dedicated to tasting?
Do you want to create thematic tour routes within your wine château?
Do you want to create hosting?
This space is dedicated to you!

Development and renovation of a reception and tasting room with the Vignobles et Découvertes label

We support you in the reflection and assembly of your project and provide you with completely free personalized assistance.
Whom to contact?
Romain BERTRAND at the Production and Development Pole of the Tourist Offer
Such. : 05 57 77 30 20 – Email:

Some useful links to develop and improve your structure:

Within the Tourist Office, you can also contact:
Ludovic BAGILLET: Wine tourism representative
Such. : 05 57 46 03 00 – Email: