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On this page, find the annual reports of the Tourist Office.
Also find data from the observatories offered by Gironde Tourisme and by the Dordogne Departmental Tourism Committee.

Local data

Each year, the Pays Foyen Tourist Office presents its assessment of the past year at the end of the year.
In particular, you will find traffic data in the various information offices (number of visitors, origin, requests, etc.), website traffic statistics, changes in the store's annual turnover, etc. and many other elements.

Departmental data

In Gironde

Gironde Tourism also offers a fairly rich “observatory” space in its professional space with a multitude of elements at your disposal
THEGironde Tourism observatory aims to provide private actors et institutions better knowledge of filières et Gironde tourist marketscollectioninterpreter et restores the essential data on'tourist economy departmental: quantitative data (supply and attendance, economic benefits, etc.) and qualitative (knowledge of customers).

Throughown studies ou carried out in collaboration with its partners, Gironde Tourisme provides you with information on:

Your contact at Gironde Tourisme:
Claudine CAMEDESCASSE (Delegate Director, Observation, Study and Consulting)
Tel. 06 27 20 57 20

In Dordogne

The Dordogne Departmental Tourism Committee also offers an observatory in its professional space for tourism stakeholders.
For their part, we find: monthly bulletins from May to November (current year and previous year) on tourist attendance and the outlook for the following months as well as a summary document with the key figures for the year

  • Monthly bulletins on tourist attendance and prospects for the months to come (current year and previous year). Bulletins offered from May to November.
  • A summary document with the key figures for the year also called a dashboard for monitoring the departmental tourism economy (very complete single document)

Here is the unique link to the page dedicated to the CDT 24 observatory

Caller :
Departmental Observatory of the Dordogne-Périgord tourist economy
Such. 05 53 35 50 25 – Email: